About Dawah And Tableeg

“Tabligh Jamaat” is one of the most successful movements in modern times.
all types of people from Ulama to illiterate people are getting benefits through their Efforts of Deen.

বুধবার, ২৭ জুন, ২০১২

গাবায় হযরত সালামাহ ইবনে আকওয়া রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু এর দৌড়.........

গাবা মাদীনা তইয়্যেবা হইতে চার পাঁচ মাইল দূরে অবস্থিত একটি আবাদী ছিল। সেখানে রসুলুল্লাহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামের কিছু উট চরিত। কাফেরদের একদল লোকসহ আব্দুর রহমান ফাযারী উটসমূহ লুট করিয়া নিল, উটের রাখালকে হত্যা করিয়া ফেলিল। এই লুটতরাজকারীরা ঘোড়ায় সওয়ার ছিল এবং সশস্ত্র ছিল। ঘটনাক্রমে হযরত সালামাহ ইবনে আকওয়া রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু সকালবেলায় তীর ধনুক লইয়া পায়ে হাঁটিয়া গাবার দিকে যাইতেছিলেন। হঠাৎ লুটেরাদের প্রতি তাঁহার দৃষ্টি পড়িল। তিনি বালক ছিলেন এবং খুব দৌঁড়াইতে পারিতেন। কথিত আছে তাঁহার দৌড় অতুলনীয় ও প্রসিদ্ধ ছিল। তিনি দৌঁড়াইয়া ঘোড়াকে ঘরিয়া ফেলিতেন কিন্তু ঘোড়া তাঁহাকে ফহরিতে পারিত না। সে সঙ্গে তীর চালনায়ও প্রসিদ্ধ ছিলেন। হযরত সালামাহ ইবনে আকওয়া রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু একটি পাহাড়ে আরোহণ করিয়া মাদীনার দিকে মুখ করিয়া লুটতরাজের কথা ঘোষণা করিয়া দিলেন। তীর-ধনুক ত সাথে ছিলই, স্বয়ং ঐ সকল লুটেরাদের ধাওয়া করিলেন। এমনকি তাহাদের নিকট পর্যন্ত পৌঁছিয়া গেলেন এবং তীর ছুঁড়িতে আরম্ভ করিলেন এবং এমন দ্রুত একের পর এক তীর ছুঁড়িলেন যে তাহারা ভাবিল বিরাট দল রহিয়াছে। যেহেতু তিনি একা ছিলেন এবং পায়দলও ছিলেন এইজন্য যখন কেহ ঘোড়া ফিরাইয়া তাঁহার দিকে আসিত তখন তিনি কোন গাছের আড়ালে লুকাইয়া যাইতেন এবং আড়াল হইতে তাহার ঘোড়াকে তীর মারিতেন। ইহাতে ঘোড়া আহত হইত আর সেই ব্যক্তি এই মনে করিয়া ফিরিয়া যাইত যে, যদি ঘোড়া পড়িয়া যায় তাহলে আমি ধরা পড়িয়া যাইব। হযরত সালামাহ ইবনে আকওয়া রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু বলেন, মোটকথা, তাহারা পালাইতে থাকিল আর আমি ধাওয়া করিতে থাকিলাম। এমনকি রসুলুল্লাহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামের যে উটগুলি তাহারা লুট করিয়াছিল উহা আমার পিছনে পড়িয়া গেল। ইহা ছাড়া তাহাদের ত্রিশটি বর্শা ও ত্রিশটি চাদরও ফেলিয়া গেল। এমন সময় উয়াইনা ইবনে হিসন একটি দলসহ সাহায্যের জন্য তাহাদের নিকট পৌঁছিয়া গেল। ইহাতে তাহাদের শক্তি আরও বাড়িয়া গেল। আর ইহাও জানিতে পারিল যে, আমি একা।
তাহারা কয়েকজন মিলিয়া আমার পিছনে ধাওয়া করিল। আমি একটি পাহাড়ের উপরে উঠিয়া গেলাম। তাহারাও উঠিল। তাহারা যখন আমার নিকট আসিয়া গেল তখন আমি উচ্চস্বরে বলিলাম, একটু থাম প্রথমে আমার একটি কথা শুন। তোমরা কি আমাকে চিন আমি কে? তাহারা বলিল বল তুম কে? আমি বলিলাম, ইবনে আকওয়া। ঐ পবিত্র সত্ত্বার কসম, যিনি মুহা’ম্মাদ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামকে সম্মান দান করিয়াছেন, তোমাদের মধ্য হইতে কেহ আমাকে ধরিতে চায় তবে ধরিতে পারিবে না। আর আমি যদি তোমাদের কাহাকেও ধরিতে চাই তবে আমার হাত হইতে সে কখনও ছুটিতে পারিবে না। যেহেতু তাঁহার সম্পর্কে সাধারণ ভাবে ইহা প্রসিদ্ধ ছিল যে, তিনি খুব বেশী দৌড়াউতে পারেন। এমনকি আরবী ঘোড়াও তাঁহার মুকাবিলা করিতে পারে না। কাজেই এইরূপ দাবী কোন আশ্চর্য কিছু ছিল না। সালামাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু বলেন, আমি এইভাবে তাহাদের সহিত কথাবার্তা বলিতে থাকি আর আমার উদ্দেশ্য ছিল তাহাদের নিকট তো সাহায্য পৌঁছিয়া গিয়াছে; মুসলমানদের পক্ষ হইতে আমার সাহায্যও আসিয়া পৌঁছুক। কারণ, আমি মাদীনায় ঘোষণা করিয়া আসিয়া ছিলাম। মোটকথা, আমি তাহাদের সহিত ঐ ভাবে কথাবার্তা বলিতে ছিলাম আর গাছের ফাঁক দিয়া মাদীনা মুনাওয়ারার দিকে গভীর দৃষ্টিতে দেখিতেছিলাম। হঠাৎ ঘোড়সওয়ারদের একটি দল দৌড়াইয়া আসিতে দেখিলাম। তাহাদের মধ্যে সকলের আগে আখরাম আসাদী রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু ছিলেন। তিনি আসা মাত্রই আব্দুর রহমান ফাযারীর উপর করিলেন। আব্দুর রহমানও তাঁহার উপর হামলা করিল। তিনি আব্দুর রহমানের ঘোড়ার উপর করিয়া উহার পা কটিয়া ফেলিলেন। ইহাতে ঘোড়া পড়িয়া গেল। আব্দুর রহমান পড়িতে পড়িতে তাঁহার উপর হামলা করিয়া দিল। ইহাতে তিনি শহীদ হইয়া গেলেন। আব্দুর রহমান তৎক্ষনাৎ তাঁহার ঘোড়ার উপর সওয়ার হইয়া গেল। তাঁহার পিছনে আবু কাতাদাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু ছিলেন। তিনি সঙ্গে সঙ্গে আক্রমন শুরু করিয়া দিলেন। আব্দুর রহমান আবু কাতাদাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু এর ঘোড়ার পায়ের উপর আঘাত করিল ফলে গোড়া পড়িয়া গেল এবং আবু কাতাদাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু পড়িতে পড়িতে আব্দুর রহমানের উপর আক্রমন করিলেন, ফলে সে নিহত হইল। অতঃপর আবু কাতাদাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু সঙ্গে সঙ্গে ঐ ঘোড়ার উপর যাহা আখ্রাম আসাদী রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু এর কাছে ছিল এবং এখন যাহার উপর আব্দুর রহমান সওয়ার ছিল চড়িয়া বসিলেন। (আবু দাউদ)

ফায়দাঃ কোন কোন ইতিহাস গ্রন্থে লেখা আছে যে, হযরত সালামাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু আখরাম আসাদী রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু কে আক্রমন করিতে বাধাও দিয়াছিলেন যে, একটু অপেক্ষা করুন আমাদের দলের আরও লোকদের আসিতে দিন। কিন্তু তিনি বলিলেন, আমাকে শহীদ হইতে দাও। বর্ণিত আছে যে, মুসলমানদের মধ্যে একমাত্র তিনিই শাহাদাত বরণ করেন এবং কারেফদের বহু লোক এই যুদ্ধে মারা যায়। ইহার পর মুসলমানদের বিরাট দল আসিয়া পৌঁছে এবং তাহারা (কাফেররা) পালাইয়া যায়। সালামাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু রসুলুল্লহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামের কাছে আবেদন করিলেন যে, আমাদের একশত লোক দিন তাহাদের ধাওয়া করিব। কিন্তু রসুলুল্লহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম ফরমাইলেন, তাহারা নিজেদের দলে পৌঁছিয়া গিয়াছে।
অধিকাংশ ইতিহাস গ্রন্থ হইতে জানা যায় যে, হযরত সালামাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু এর বয়স তখন বার কি তের ছিল। বার-তের বছরের বালকের ঘোড় সওয়ারদের এক বিরাট দলকে এইভাবে পালাইতে বাধ্য করে যে, তাহারা দিশাহারা হইয়া পড়ে। যাহা কিছু লুঠ করিয়াছিল উহাও ছাড়িয়া যায়, এমনকি নিজেদেরও সামানপত্র ছাড়িয়া যায়। ইহা ঐ ইখলাসের বরকত ছিল যাহা আল্লহ তায়া’লা উক্ত জামাতকে দান করিয়া ছিলেন।

মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ জুন, ২০১২


[I request every faithful Muslim to realize that he is follower of a Prophet who is known as RAHMATULLILALAMIN. He is a messenger of peace and he must protect people from misery and mischief and try to spread waves of faith and peace everywhere]
Q: Alsalam Alaikum 
A: Walaikul Salam 
Q: I have called you from Sonipat to meet my father and give an interview about your conversion which will be published in monthly ARMUGHAN's series. 
A: Yes Hazrat has told me about it sometimes back 
Q: Are you quite well? Please introduce yourself. 
A: My full name is Ram Veer and I am son of Ajab Singh, resident of village Kakra district Muzzafar Nagar. We were seven brothers and sisters but two have died. I passed my high school examination from Rashtraya Inter College Shahpur. My father is a gentle and hardworking farmer and belongs to a Hindu Jat religious family. 
Q: Please tell us about your coming to Islamic fold. 
A: It was just by chance because I did not have any intention of becoming a Muslim. Actually I was leading a spoiled life after leaving my studies and divorcing my wife. I always roamed in jungles, teased people and grew a drug addict. I joined a band of robbers and used to rob cattle suppliers and travelers. My family members and mohalla residents were fed up with me. The family people asked me to leave the house. But I refused to do so and decided to take up farming with the help of a tube well. I got the old tube well owned by my Ansari neighbour repaired and put it in operation by borrowing motor and fan and getting an unauthorized electric connection. But despite my best efforts and employing tractor the tube well did not supply water. I approached a pundit who asked me to make some offerings on tube well to please the gods. I had nothing with me to offer. I thought that gods would be pleased by offering Bhang. I offered crushed Bhang to the tube well but could not get any water. One night my neighbour Ansari the owner of tube well was lying with me near the tube well. He said "If water comes in tube well I shall offer two rakats of prayer". Hearing this I said 'Then I will offer 4 rakats of prayer". On that night electric current came at 12:45pm. I asked my neighbour, Yasin Ansari to join the connection. But Ansari asked me to do so because he was afraid of touching electricity. As soon as I put the connection on, water gushed from the tube well at high speed. Though clay was completely dry, very soon the velocity of water made a 1½ meter deep pit on the road. In the morning the residents of the locality saw the tube well working. They asked me to get an authorized light connection before using it. After closing the tube well Yaseen Ansari told me to fulfill the promise to offer prayers. He warned me that in case of default the tube well would go out of order again. I agreed and followed him towards the village mosque. Ansari made wudhu at the tube well and asked me to become Muslim first and promised to get me an authorized electric connection. I told him that Muslims did not like me and they would not tolerate me. Ansari Saheb replied that after your Islam this would not happens and even if Muslims did not accommodate you here, Allah would admit you in paradise. Then I asked him to take me to a Madarsa at Harsauli. There I met Maulvi Anis Saheb who told me to go to Muzaffar Nagar or to Phulat and see Maulana Kaleem Saheb. I went to home and after informing my mother and taking some money reached Phulat. There I met Maulana Saheb and told my plight. He asked me to recite Kalma and lead a peaceful life. He took promise from me to abandon drugs and to leave all bad habits. He said to me "You belong to brave clan of Chaudhris and you will certainly honour your pledge". I promised Maulana to lead life free of alcohol and other vices. People told me a number of cases where addicts and criminals changed themselves altogether after acting upon the advice of Maulana Saheb I went with a Jamaat for 40 days. When I returned Maulana Saheb asked my future programme and suggested me to teach children at Sonipat. After one year I was married to a religious educated Muslim lady of Sakauti. I was very happy to see change in myself and thanked Maulana Saheb for reforming me. My mother also came and was very happy to see my wife. My wife served my parents well. My father told the Maulana Saheb that panchayat of my village declared me an outcaste or Adharmi and asked my father to take stern action against me. But my father refused bluntly and told them that conversion was not a crime and that I as a free citizen could choose any faith. He further warned then that in case of further pressure and show of displeasure he would also become a Muslim and leave the village. He also threatened to report the matter to high police officials. Now I am well settled in Sonipat and along with my wife am teaching children. Women and residents of my mohalla and Madarsa love and respect me for my religious zeal and good way of life. This is all due to blessings of Allah. 
Q: Did you come across with some difficulty after embracing Islam? 
A: Ahmed Bhai, at the time of recitation of Kalma Maulana Saheb explained to me that Islam was a religion of peace and it expects every Muslim to work for peace and tranquility. In reply to my queries about terrorism and other conflicts and disputes hovering over the world the Maulana Saheb convinced me that false propaganda was made against Muslims and Islam. But Islam is still flourishing because Allah does not like breach of peace and conflicts. He told me that aggressive American soldiers who committed a number of atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries are embracing ISLAM. I personally feel the advantages of my Conversion. Now, people love and trust me and seek my counsel. I have not come across with any problem and an enjoying the blessings of Allah in my life. 
Q: Have you extended Dawah of Islam to your parents? 
A: My mother is inclined towards Islam but due to family pressure she has not declared it openly. One of my brothers and a nephew has become Muslim. I hope a number of my friends would soon embrace Islam. I pray for the guidance and IMAN of all relatives. 
Q: Do you want to give some message through ARMUGHAN? 
A: I want to say that Islam stands for peace. All Muslims should offer prayers and extend Dawah to non Muslims. For world peace, establishment and expansion of Islam it is essential. It is unfortunate that Muslims are being harassed through false cases. A Muslim can never be terrorist or a tyrant. We should devote ourselves to Tabligh. Was-Salam.

বুধবার, ৬ জুন, ২০১২


[I request every Muslim to remember aim of his life and devote himself to preaching of Islam and not swayed away by revenge sentiments against anti Muslim elements. If Shiv Senik, Bajrang Dal, and other Hindus led by Bal Thakerey, Vinay Khatiar, Uma Bharti, Ashoke Singhal knew the true nature of ISLAM and Muslims then Babri Masjid would be never razed to ground. I am sure if they are convinced that Islam is their real religion they would welcome the rebuilding of Babri Masjid].

Q:      Master Mohd Amir Assalaam-mu-Allikum 
A:      Wale-kum-Assalaam. 
Q:      Master Saheb my father is pressing me hard for taking your interview for Armughan. It is good that you yourself came to see me today. 
A:      Ahmad Bhai, I was keen to have my story of acceptance of Islam published in Armughan, as the series of interview of newly converts is very useful to encourage and help the mission of Daw'ah. This is a glaring instance of blessings of Allah. He has rewarded a culprit like me who actively participated in pulling down the sacred house of God. This is an eye opener for misguided pagans. Q:      Please introduce yourself and your family. 
A:      I belong to a Village in Panipat district of Haryana. I was born in a Rajput family on 6th Dec 1970. My father was a prosperous farmer and also head master of a local primary school. He was a very good man believing in values of humanity and was dead opposed to any kind of injustice and tyranny. He had seen the horrible riots of 1947 and regarded the mass scale slaughter of Muslims as a grave national stigma. He helped a lot in rehabilitation of Muslims and paid special attention toward education of Muslim children in his school.
My personal experience is that the destruction of Babri Masjid could never have occurred if members of Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and Hindu masses knew something about Islam, Quran, mosques and Muslims. I am convinced that if Bal Thakre, Vinay Katihar Uma Bharati, Ashok Singhal and like-minded persons possessed some basic information about these things then they could have never committed this shameful act. 99% of Hindus are now like my father and they believe in humanity and respect Islam.
I was named Balbir Singh. After passing high school, I got admission in intermediate college at Panipat. Probably after Mumbai, Panipat was strongest fort of Shiv Sainik. There I met many fanatic youths who poisoned my mind against Muslims by giving wrong and distorted descriptions of historical events. When my father came to know about my association with Shiv Sainiks, he tried to pacify me and told me authentic stories of justice and good treatment meted to non Muslim by Babur, Aurangzeb, and other Muslim rulers. He explained to me at length the distortions made in Indian history by Englishmen to flare up bitter relations between Hindus and Muslims of India. But unfortunately all his efforts to keep me away from Shiv Sainik influence failed. I did not hear his advice of sanity. 
Q:      Please give details of your part in the destruction of Babri Masjid. 
A:      In 1990, I was given an important role during Rath Yatra of Mr Advani. The fanatics filled my heart with hatred and enmity against the Muslims. I took pledge in the name of Shivaji to go to Ayodha and pull down the structure of Babri Masjid from the premises of Ram Mandir. I was appointed Chief of youth wing of Shiv Sena and on 30th Oct. I along with my youth brigade went to Ayodha. Police tried to stop us and at some places police opened fire on the violent mob of Kar-sewaks. I could not reach near Babri Masjid but my feelings of hatred against Muslim were intensified. Group of Shivsewaks, were outraged to see police bullets being fired at Ram Bhagats in Ram Janam Bhoomi. I was in great rage. Sometimes I wanted to commit suicide and sometimes I planned to go to Lucknow and shoot Mulayam Singh. Riots broke out in the whole country and I counted days for razing down the Babri Masjid. At last that day came. On 1st Dec 1992 I with my associates reached Ayodha. There I joined Yogendra Pal, son of a Jat Zamindaar of a village near Sonipat; he was my bosom friend and came to Ayodhya with me in the teeth of stiff opposition from his father. We reached near Babri Masjid on 5th Dec and spent the night on roof of some Muslim houses. All of us were impatient to start destruction of mosque. Last year on 30th Oct we were prevented from doing so. Now we decided to start Kar Seva, but our sanchalak stopped us and asked to follow discipline. Uma Bharti with her fiery speech flared up our sentiments. I took a pickaxe and climbed over the roof of the mosque along with Yogendra Pal. As soon Uma Bharti raised the slogan "Give one punch more and pull down the mosque" I struck my pick axe on the middle dome and raised slogan of JAI JAI RAM BHAGWAN. After some time the mosque was raised down before our eyes. We happily got down and bowed our head before Ram Lallah. We bought two bricks of the mosque with us and showed them to the people of Panipat. The viewers praised us. The bricks were kept in Shiv Sena's Office and a public meeting was held to facilitate the occasion. My name as the first Striker on the mosque was announced and I got big applouse. I told all this to my father who became very angry. He was heartbroken and told me straight by that he could not live with me because of my shameful conduct. He asked me to leave the house because he could not tolerate a person who pulled down house of God. He also told me never to return home during his life time. I did not anticipate the degree of his rage and tried to tell him about my popularity and my active part in destruction of mosque. But he did not pay any heed and started leaving the house himself. But I stopped him and told that instead I would leave his house as I could not live with an anti Ram Bhagat person. I shifted to Panipat. 
Q: Now tell us about your embracing of Islam. 
A: My dear Ahmed Bhai. Allah was kind enough to bless me to come out from darkness of polytheism and terror and gave me perfect guidance. This was His great reward to a wrong doer who took part in the destruction of His house. One day Yogendra Pal took out bricks of Babri Masjid and invited Hindus to come and urinate on them. A big crowd assembled there and urinated on them with tormented glee. Now the Lord of Mosque showed His majesty and after 4 or 5 days Yogendra become mentally ill. He became mad and always remained naked. He was the only son of respectable Zamindaar. He used to tear away the clothes of his mother and wanted to misbehave with her sexually. His father was very worried and took him too many Maulvis and spell charmers. He prayed to God for forgiveness and distributed alms but nothing worked. One day Yogendra Pal tried to molest his mother but the neighbours saved her and enchained him. His father becomes so angry and exhausted that he wanted to kill him. Then somebody told him to contact a Maulana who used to come to a Madarsa in Sonipat Idgah. He went in search of Maulana. A shopkeeper told him to contact the Imam of a Mosque at Bawana where Maulana used to go regularly. Soon after destruction of Babri Masjid the Maulana made a speech there and told the Muslims that to some extent Muslims were also responsible for this tragedy. They failed to extent DAWAH to Hindus and did not convey them the teaching of Islam. He used to pray for them and made his mission to extend Dawah to them. Yogendra Pal's father Chaudary Raghubir Singh approached IMAM of Bawana mosque and asked for spell or tawiz for his son. The Imam declined to do so and instead arranged his meeting with Maulana Saheb. He told him that his son was suffering from torment of Allah and its only cure was to embrace ISLAM on appointed time. Choudhry Saheb along with naked and chained Yogendra reached Bawana to meet Maulana. He fell on his feet and told him 'I tried my level best to stop him but this mean fellow under the influence of some mischief makers did this heinous crime. Please forgive him and save my family." Maulana Saheb sternly asked him to get up and narrate to him the full story He said to Choudhry Saheb "Those people who destroyed the sacred house of LORD CREATOR had committed such a heinous crime that the entire world would have been destroyed by ALMIGHTY. This man suffering is nothing for such a ghastly crime. But to some extent we the Muslims are also at fault as we failed to convey the teaching of Islam to the destroyers of the mosque. Actually all citizens of the country should pray and beseech forgiveness from our Lord."  He also asked Choudhry Saheb to do so. The Choudhry again fell on his feet and promised to follow his instruction and requested to cure his son. Maulana Saheb offered prayers and asked people to pray for Yogendra and his father. He offered some snacks to Choudhry Saheb. People coming out of mosque were surprised to see that Yogendra had covered his private Parts by his turban. All of them were surprised but extremely happy. Imam Saheb reminded Choudhry Saheb to accept Islam. He warned him that if he did not so Yogendra Pal could turn mad again. He readily agreed and asked the Maulana to get him converted to Islam. When Choudhry Saheb was going to the mosque Yogendra said that he also wanted to become Muslim and work for reconstruction of Babri Masjid. Both of them performed WUDHU and were named Mohd Usman and Mohd Umar. They went back to their village and soon the news of their conversion spread in the entire region. In a meeting some influential Hindus decided to kill both of them but this plan was leaked to the Imam of the local Mosque. They were sent to Phulat and from there they went for 40 days with a group of Tablighi Jamaat. Mohd Umar (Yogendra) performed three CHILLAS. His mother also embraced Islam and he was married in a good Muslim family of Delhi. Now they are settled in Delhi and running a factory. Q: Very Well. Master Saheb Yogendras' story of coming to Islam is quite strange and interesting. Now please tell your own story. A: Bhai actually that was first part of my story. On 9th March 1993 my father died. He was grief stricken at destruction of Babri Masjid with my participation in its destruction. He showed his anguish and despairs to my mother and wished to be reborn among Muslims to bear such tyranny. He had strictly forbidden my presence at his funeral and asked to be buried like Muslims. My mother acted on his will and informed me after 8 days of his death. This made me very sad and heartbroken. I began to realize that destruction of mosque was an act of tyranny. Whenever I went to my mother she used to weep and hold me responsible for the death of my noble father and condemned me. Then I stopped going home. In June Mohd Umar returned from Jamaat tour and told me his whole story. I was already afraid of divine curse or torment and his story made me more worried and alarmed. Mohammad Umar suggested to me to meet Maulana Saheb at Sonipat. I met Maulana Saheb. who welcomed me warmly. He said to me "The Lord of Lords can punish you with same treatment as He did with wrong doer Yogendra. Be sure if you do not get any punishment in this life you are doomed to horrible torment in the next world." After pondering over an hour I decided to come to Islamic fold to escape from divine punishment. I requested Maulana to take me with him. We went to Haryana, Delhi and Khurja and then reached Phulat. On 25th June 1993 I recited Kalma after Zuhar Prayers. Maulana named me Mohammad Amir and asked me to stay for some time at Phulat to learn Islamic literature and know about prayers and other rites. A house was arranged for me and after three months my wife also embraced Islam. 
Q: What happened to your mother? 
A: She was overjoyed to hear it and said that soul of my dead father would be happy. She also became Muslim after some time. 
Q: What are you doing now? 
A: I am running a Junior High School with English medium and teaching Islamic subjects. 
Q: My father told me that you are also associated with the rehabilitation of deserted mosques in Punjab and Haryana. 
A: Yes, I along with Mohammad Umar pledged to rehabilitate deserted mosques and build new mosques to compensate for our ghastly act of destruction of Babri Mosque. We have decided to cooperate with each other. I would rehabilitate at least 100 deserted mosques and Mohammad Umar would construct 100 new mosques during our life time. Up to July 2009, 67 deserted mosques have been rehabilitated and 37 new mosques have been constructed. Our target is to rehabilitate one deserted mosque and build one new mosque on 6th Dec. every year which is the anniversary of destruction of Babri Masjid. This programme is picking up very well and Umar Bhai is leading. 
Q: What about other members of family? 
A: My family consists of my mother and an elder brother who lost his wife four years ago. He had four children including a disabled boy. His wife was a nice and caring lady. Her death was a great shock to my brother. My wife looked after the children very well like a mother. My brother was very grateful to her. I suggested to him to embrace Islam. He was not happy with me because I had displeased and hurt my father very much. Then I talked to my wife like this, "See our children are grown up now. You are looking after my brother's children very well. He is heartbroken and leading a miserable life. If he accepts Islam and you agree to marry him, then I will divorce you and after Iddat you become his wife. Allah will bless this relationship." First my wife flared up and did not agree to my proposal. But after discussion and persuasion she consented. Then I started negotiations with my brother. Initially he did not like this proposal and said people would not approve it and it would lead to infamy of whole family. But I argued that the proposal is logically sound and ISLAM permits this relationship. Finally he agreed to become Muslim and married my wife after completion of the Iddat period. Now he is living a happy life along with his and my children. 
Q: Are you still single? 
A: No. On Maulana Saheb's advice I married an aged convert Muslim woman and we are happy too. 
Q: Do you want to leave some message for readers of ARMUGHAN? 
A: I request every Muslim to realize his aim of life i.e. preaching of Islam to other human beings and not encourage the sentiments of revenge or retaliation. Ahmed Bhai, my personal experience has told me that destruction of Babri Masjid could never have occurred if members of Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and Hindu masses knew something about Islam, Quran, mosques and Muslims. I am convinced that had Bal Thakre, Vinay Katihar Uma Bharati, Ashok Singhal and like-minded persons possessed some basic information about these things then they could have never committed this shameful act. 99% of Hindus are now like my father and they believe in humanity and respect Islam. My father died as a non Muslim because nobody extended Dawah to him. I repent on infidelity of my father who did not get any preaching and pass sleepless nights in anguish. I had to take sleeping pills. 
AHMED: Thanks so much. You are living like a true Muslim, and your life is an open sign to prove the truth of Islam.

সোমবার, ৪ জুন, ২০১২

সারা বিশ্বে দাওয়াত ও তাবলীগের মার্কাজের ঠিকানা (Worldwide Tablighi Markaz Address)

Abu Dhabi :Kaleem Razal, Al-Musaffah, Abu Dhabi. 971-2-721-..
Afghanistan :Haji Md Meer, Sarai Nelam Farrush, Shahbazar, Kabul. 155-23798
Afrika Selatan
Markaz, Bait-un-Nur, 17, 11th Avenue Mayfair, Johannesburg. 011-8392633
Kirk St Masjid, 12 Kirk St, 2001 Johannesburg. (G. M. Padia) 27-31-923-841, faks 27-11-852-4011
Dr Abdul Latif Saleh, Tirana. +355-42-25440/25438
Seshi Avni Rustemi, Tirana. +355-42-23038
Dr Skender Durresi, Tirana. +355-42-32710
Masjid An-Najah, Al-Mohammedia, Algeria. (Belqasim Merad 213-2-750)
Amerika Syarikat
Dearborn Mosque, 9945 West Vernor Highway, Dearborn, Detroit. +1-313-8429000
Markaz New York, 425, Montauk Avenue, Apt. 1, Brooklyn, New York.
Markaz, Masjid Falah, 42-12, National St., Corona, New York. (Loqman Abdul Aleem) +1-718-4767968
Abdur Raqeeb, 130, 69th St., Guttenberg, NJ 07093. +1-201-86.. , +1-718-8587168 (faks – Faqir)
Markaz, 820 Java Street, Los Angeles. (dekat Arbor Vitae St.) +1-310-4199177 (Dr Abd Rauf)
Farouq Toorawa, Los Angeles. +1-310-6755456
Masjid Al-Noor (Markaz), 1751 Mission Street, San Francisco. +1-415-5528831
Vallejo Mosque, 727 Sonoma Boulevard, Vallejo, California. +1-707-6452024
Naser Sayedi, 1777 East West Road, P.O.B. 1703, Honolulu. +1-808-735..
L/Cpl Chaudary, Hawaii. +1-808-2575721
Islamic Centre, 1935, North Eo Place, Manoa, Honolulu.
Comunidade Islamica em Angola, Caika Posta 2630, Luano.
Arab Saudi
Abdul Ghaffar Noor Wali, Jeddah. 966-2-6371607
Ghassan 6823041 Dr Ahmad Ali, P.O. Box 22310, Riyadh 11495. 966-1-6023679
Ahmad Abboud, Centro Islamico, Av. San Juan 3049/53, Buenos Aires. 54-1-973577
Markaz, 90 Cramer Street, Preston 3074, Melbourne.
Sheikh Mo’taz El-Leissy, Melbourne. 61-3-94784515
Markaz, 765 Wangee Road, Lakemba, Sydney. 61-2-97593898
S. Hamid Latif, Lakemba Mosque, 63/65 Wangee Road, Lakemba 2195, Sydney. 61-2-759-3899, 61-3-470-2424
Markaz, 427 William Street, Perth.
Abdul Wahab, Perth. 61-9-4596826
A. Khaleque Qureshi, Masjid Belal, Diefenbachgasse 12/12, 1150 Wien. 43-1-9387615, 43-1-7366125
S. Uzair M. Ali, Orzhenigidzebskoy, Noboy Gumarbel M3/2F (?)
Jamaat ul Islam, P.O. Box 10711, Nassau.
A Aziz Baluch, P.O. Box 335, Manama. 953-256-707
Maulana A Aziz, Kakrail Masjid, P.O. Ramna, Dhaka. 88-02-239-457
Maulana Yusuf Piprawala, Kensington New Road, Bridgetown. 1-809-426-8767
Moskee Arrahman (Markaz), Van Ostade str. 393-395, 1074 Amsterdam. (Tram no. 4 dari stesen keretapi) (Al-Kabiri) 31-20-764073
Masjid Noor, Rue Massaux 6, Gemeente Schaarbeek, 1030 Brussels. (Mostafa Nooni) 32-2-219-7847
Masjid Van Slambrouck, Fortuin St. 6, B8400 Oostende.
Md Riaz, 3132 Kraal Road, Belize City.
Md Mosque, Basset Bldg Court, St. Ram, Hamilton.
Omar Osman, P.O. Box 382 (?), Biera. 23260
Biab Khalil, P.O. Box 216, La Paz. BX 5418 (teleks)
A Aziz Alinani, Imam, Centro Islamica, Ax W-5 Norte, Brazil. 55-11-278-6789
Markazi Mosque, South Street, Saville Town, Dewsbury. (Hafez M Patel) 44-924-460760, 44-924-46685? (faks)
East London Markazi Masjid, 9-11 Christian St, Off Commercial Road, London E1. (Zulfiqar) 44-71-4811294

Hj Jamili Hj Abbas, 647 Kg Lumapas. 673-8-810480, 673-2-337488.

Hj Mahadi, Bandar Sri Begawan. 332148Bulgaria
Mufti Basri Osman, Plovdiv. 359-2-233-109
Masjid-e-Noor, Share Namer, N O’Jamina. (Adam Yusuf Amin)
Dudaeb Shakmarze, Ul. Khakalskaya 90/2/42, Grozni.
Taufiq Rumie, Edwardo Castillo Valesco 1160, Nunoa, Santiago. 56-2-496-081, 56-2-294-182
Hilal D. C. Guangyun, V. C., Stand Comm, East Dist. Peoples Congress, ..
Habibullah, Sk Mohuddin, village Gubdan, Lewanshowski.
Makki Masjid, Brikegade 4 KLD, N Kobenhavn (Copenhagen). 45-43-(35)-361-513
Centre Mosque, Morbaerhaven Block 18 c/4, 2060 Albertslund. 02-454368
Shaikh Hamdan, Masjid al Kasis, Al Kasis No. 3, dekat Umm Kulsum Che..
Masjid, 7 Harringto Street, Dublin.
Dublin Islamic Centre, 163, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.
Md Shigara, 21, Wolseley Street, Dublin 3. 353-1-540-027
M. M. Kechia, Abu Bakr Masjid, Kwas Maida, Addis Ababa. 251-1-130-208, 135-823 (Ibrahim Sufra)
Abu Bakar Sulil, Masjid Odiveas, Rua Thomas de Anunciacao 30 R/C Esq, Odiveas 2675, Lisboa.
Noor Ali, Raki Raki Jama Masjid, P.O Box 15, Raki Raki, Fiji. 679-24440, 679-94002
Masjid Abu Bakar, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Mindanao.
Omar Nizamuddin, Puutarhankatu 18A, Helsinki. 358-21-513-572
Masjid, Fredrinkatu 33B, 00120 Helsinki 12. 358-0-643-579, 358-0-149-6395
Masjid, Abrahaminkatu
Abdul Wadood, Arabic Madrassa, Serekunda.
T. Osang, P.O. Box 170A, Rock of Islam Mosque, Labadi, Accra. 233-21-663-443, 665-06
Md Boye, P.O. Box 12294, Barry, Conakary.
Guinea Bissau
Abayu Bayo, Jamia Kabir, Bissau.
Azim Khan, 35, Kraig Village, East Bank, Demerara. 592-(02)-62269 (Georgetown)
Hong Kong
Masjid Ammar, 40-01 Kwon Road, Wanch.. 5-892-0720 (Md Qadeem, Zafar 852-3-5-239-975)
A. Hafez, Flat 9, 84 Linen Kurt, Budapest. 36-1-833-905, 36-1-276-0482 (Babikir)
Dr Izzedin, Estergomiut 56/VII/26, 1138 Budapest.
Ibrahim, Fortuna (hotel murah), Szolgaltaro GMk, 1073 BP, Akacf..
Banglawali Masjid, 168 W. Nizamuddin, Basti Nizamuddin, New Delhi. 91-11-494-7137 (faks: Farooq),
617-142 (..)
Masjid Jamek, 83 Jalan Hayam Waruk, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat. (Ahmad Zulfikar) 62-21-821-236, 639-5585, 682-378
Masjid Istiqlal, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Dumai, RIAU.
Al Amir A Roaf, Masjid e Tauhidi, Zahedan.
Sk Kazim, Montaga Buhimania Al Karich, Share Mar’uf, Baghdad.

El Amrani, 3231 Via Vanzetti No. 3, Cita di Sudi (Cascino Rosa), Milano. 39-10-952-20?, 39-6-802-258
Masjid, Via Bertoloni 22/24, Roma
Masjid,Via Berthollet 24, Torino
Masjid, Via de Groce 3 (Tingkat 4), Trieste
Masjid Cesemate Sq., Main Street, Gibraltar. 350-73058
Naeem A. Muta’ali, Muslim Community, 54 Wildman Street, Kingston. 1-809-9283516 (Akbar), 9286789 (Naeem)
Islamic Center of Jamaica, 134 1/2 King Street, Kingston.
Markaz Islaho Tarbiyat (Ichnowari), 1-1-6 Bingonishi, Kasukabe-Shi, Saitama-Ken, Tokyo 334.
Ibrahim Ken Okubo, Room 105, Bingo Higashi 1-22-20, Kasukabe Shi, Saitama Ken, Tokyo 344. 0487-36-2767 (tel) 04-8738-0699 (faks)
Syed Sohel 04-8736-2767
Masjid Darus Salam, 772, Oaza Sakai, Sakai Machi, Sawa-gun, Gunma Ken.
Hafiz Afzal 030-146-1419
Masjid Shin Anjo (Nagoya), Bangunan Kamimoto, Tingkat Satu, 1-11-15, Imaike-cho, Anji-Shi, Aichi Ken.
Najimuddin 030-56-32101
Nufail 030-56-50432, 056-698-9408
Masjid Takwa (Chiba), Sanbu-Machi, Sanbu-Gun, Ametsubo 65-12, Chiba Ken (dekat stesen JR Hyuga).
Lokman 043-444-5464, 030-067-9223
Shamin 010-404-4748
Makki Mosque (Narimasu, Tokyo), stesen Narimasu (Tobu line).
Asraf 010-609-2479
Markaz Hon-Atsugi (Kanagawa). 0462-27-5936
Islamic Center, 1-16-11 Ohara Setagayu ku, Tokyo 156. 03-7870916, 4606169
Islamic Center, C Hoko Mansion 4-33-10 Kitazawa, Setagaya ku, Tokyo 156.
Nerima K. K. Mati, 1-30-17 Kopsaki 205, Tokyo. 81-3-450-6820, 81-3-553-7665 (Ismail), faks 81-3-458-3967
A. Aziz Mecavale, 175 Kumitashi Cho, Tokyo. (d/a Akarim Seth)
Md. Nawaz, Masjid, Muenchener str. 21, Frankfurt. (06175)1673, (0221)550..
Md. Nawaz, Berliner str. 31, 6374 Steinbach. (06171) 75360
Barbaros Gamii (masjid), Kyffhavser str. 26 (dekat Barbarossa Platz), 5 Koeln 1 (Cologne). (Husseinbeg
Firat 467477, Zia) 0211-213870
Masjid, Lindower str. 18-19, 1000 Berlin 65. (030) 4617026
Masjid, Landwehr str. 25, Muenchen (Munich). (dekat stesen keretapi)
Masjid, Steindamm, Hamburg. (dekat stesen keretapi)
Masjid, Haupsletter str. 715, Stuttgart. 0711-6406775
Salem Ahmad, Deeday Masjid, P.O. Box 730, Djibouti. 253-762-189, 5818 FIANEA (teleks)
Md Mustafa Al Wafai, Masjid Madeenat al Hujjaj, Mukhayam Het.. 962-6-774-257
Osmany c/o Alhaj Md, P.O. Box 19, Marwah.237-291-5..
Medina Masjid, 1015 Danforth Ave., Toronto. (Ismail Patel / Anjum Mohammad)1-416-465-7833.
Baba Khanov, Muslim Religious Board of Central Asia, Alma Ata.
A. Shakoor, Londi Mosque, sebelah balai polis Kamakunsi, Nairobi. 254-2-764-224, 254-2-340-965
Ahmet Cetkin, Harika Camii, Palamud Sok No. 11, Asa Marao.
Korea Selatan
Imam Qamaruddin, Masjid Annur, GPO Box 10896, Seoul. 82-2-556-…
Kosta Rika
Mostafa Md Imam, Centro Islamico, Dasamprados Casa 7-16, San Jose. 506-272-878
A Rashid Haroon, Subhan Markaz, Al Mantiga Sinaere, Kuwait.
Maulana Qamaruddin Noori, Masjid India, P.O Box 617, Vientianne. 3776
S M Azmat Subzwari, Randall Street Mosque, Monrovia. 231-225-0..
Mustafa Kuraitty, Jame al Badri, Bab bib Ghasher, Tripoli. 218-61-72138..
A Hasib Sar Hal, Imam Ali ut Tariq Jadidah, dekat Madrasah Farooq, Beirut.
Islamic Centre, Route Darlon 2, Mamar. (S. B. Khan Afridi) 352-311-695.
Yakub Patel, P.O.Box 101, Tamatave. 261-5-33202
Alhaj Ali, Masjid en Noor, Hayya Araha 61, Darul Baida, Casablanca. 212-366-483..
Ebrahim Makda, Juma Masjid, Kamuza Proc. Road, Lilongwe. 265-720216
Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur. 60-3-9580515. 60-3-7595063 (Madrasah Miftahul Ulum). 60-3-7586134 (faks: Hj Khalid)
Abdul Wahid, Kota Kinabalu. 088-232994 (r), 088-225081 (o).
Ibrahim Hassan, G. Aabin, Male Island.
Ismail, Markaz Haidara, P.O. Box 1551, Bamako. 223-22-22..
Md El Sadi, Islamic Centre, Corradino Road, P.O. Box 11, Paola, Malta. 356-772-163..
Daud Ahmad, Masjid Shurfa, P.O. Box 14, Nouakchott.
Masjid Nur, Gora Issac St., Port Louis. 230-2424904
Mir AM Soorma, Shaukat Islam Mosque, P.O.Box 328, Port Louis. 230-26..
Mir Y Ali, Norte 40A, No. 3612A, Col 7 de Noviembre, Mexico DF.. 537-1138
Masjid Anas bin Malik, Madinatul Muhaddithin, Share Iraqu Giza, Cairo. 20-2-702-804, 20-2-348-6185
Md Rafiq Ahmad, Av Dazambia 305, I C Flat 4, Maputo. 258-2378..
B. A. Ground Mosque, dekat stesen keretapi Rangoon. 95-1-74436, 3100 (Bhay)
New Zealand
Abdul Samad Bhikoo, Auckland Mosque, 17 Vermont Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 64-9-3764437
Masjid AnNur, Christchurch. 64-3-3483930
Ishan Othman, Dunedin. 64-3-4767121
Yahya Sa’ati, Sooq al Kabir, dekat Mohatta Sayarat, Niamey.
Hamza Oshodi, Central Mosque, 37 Church Road, Saban Gari, Kano. 47-2-9883..
K. M. Riaz, Bilal Masjid, Tordenskjolds Gt. 86, 3044 Drammen. 47-2-9883-..
Islamic Centre, Nosdahlbruns Gt. 22, Oslo 1.
Masud Harthi, Jame Khalid ibni Walid, Assib, Muscat. 92-21-415..

AlHaj A. Wahab, Madrassa Arabia, Raiwind, Lahore. 92-21-415.., 92-21-216..(faks)
Makki Masjid, Garden Road, Karachi.
A F Bhikoo, Jama Masjid, 3rd Street & Mexico Avenue, Panama City. 517-256-44..
Pantai Gading
Md Amin (Jallo), Masjid Ahlesunnah, P.O. Box 110, Danane. -(225)-635-320 (Boike town)
Sh. Yunus Tlili, Masjid Rahman, Ave. Paul Vaillent Couturier 52, 93200 St Denis. 33-1-,
Markaz Marseille, Rue Malaval 24, 13002 Marseille. 91908047
Naguib Atala, Casilla 3134, Lima. 51-14-294-620
Yakub, ul. Piastowska 77, Bialistok. Masjid, ul. Abrama 17A, Gdansk.
Boguslaw Zagorski, ul. Rozlogi 6 Apt. 51, Warszawa (Warsaw).
Puerto Riko
Arab Cultural Club, Km 5, KMO 65th Inf Ave, Rio Piepras, PR0092.
Abdullah Ahmad, Masjid Mantaya Sanaiya, P.O.Box 40621, Doha.
Yusuf Lockati, Masjid Nurul Islam, 97400 St Denis. 262-200..
Masjid, Ovidiu Square, Constanta.
Masjid, Prospect Mira (dekat Olympic Station), Moscow. 281-4904
Sayyid Akhtar, Moscow.

A Majid Suleman, Medina Masjid, Kegali. 250-7536
Sk Ahmad, Masjid Al Noor, P.O. Box 1955, Colobane, Dakar. 221-223-262
Siera Leon
Hassan Taravaly, 4 Rush Street, Circular Road, Freetown.
Masjid Angulia, Serangoon Road. 02-2971624
Hj Jufri, Block 210 #07-91, Tapines Street 23. 02-7832358
Hj Hassan 02-4442312
Najmuddin 02-2914742
Abdul Karim 02-4439294
S Sheraff, Masjid e Dawat, Magaiscia. 252-1-81963
Musa Taha, Mezquita Ataqua, Calle Correo Viejo – 4, Albaicine, Granada. 34-58-255-611
Sri Lanka
Tablighi Markaz, 150 Lukmanjee Sq, Grandpass Rd, Colombo. (Md Lebbe Master) 94-1-25910
Dr D H Khalili, Masjid Hamddab, Ash Shaharah, Khartoum. 249-11-222428
Mufti B Piprawala, Masjid Taedul Islam, Mutton Shop 10B, Paramaribo. 597-81394
Md Hassan, P.O. Box 201, Maikerns. 83327
Markaz, Tarsgatan 91, Stockholm. 46-8-334-490 (A Raof), 46-8-750-8511 (S Zaidi)
Dr M Piar Ali, Tarsgatan 45B, Stockholm
Tonsbergsgatan 4, 3TR, 16434 Kista. 46-8-719-3215 (P Ali) Masjid, Gamlagatan, Uppsala. 46-18-21998281
Hussain Osmani, Muslim Association, 2-A Linderain str Post F 1650, 30012 Berne. 41-31-228-396, 556-321
Masjid, Chemin Colladon 34, Petit Saconnex, Geneva. (Tram no. 12) 7987311
Islamic Center, Narstr. 19, Zurich.
Masjid, Tingkat 3, Ausstellungstr. 21, Zurich.
A M M Hosni, Razaqul-Jin-Sary, Zaid b Sabit, Merchant Modaiya, Damascus.
Ali Bhai Patel, Al Futiaim Motors, P.O. Box 5819. 971-6-548-629
A Rahim Mostafa, Masjid Shah Mansoor, ul. Wasfe, Dushanbe.
Chinese Muslim Association, 62 H’sin Shen South Rd, Sec 2, Taipeh. 886-2-522-4473
Nurrdin Hsueh Wen Ching, P.O. Box 1430, Kaohsiung. 886-7-7498749, 886-7-5215771
Sayed Mohsin, Medina Masjid, P.O. Box 5050, Dar es Salam. 255-61-26455
Hanif A. Shakur, Masjid Aslam, Bangkaoli, Bangkok. 662-235-3956..
Markaz, Minburi. (30 km dari pusat Bangkok)
Markaz, Yala.
Imam Ratib, Sk Al Hassan, Grand Mosque, Zongo, Lome.
Raziff Ghany, Monroe Road Masjid, Monroe Road, Cunupia. 809-650-1985
Mestaoui Habib, 28 Rue Ibn Khaldoun, Ben Arous, Tunis. 216-1-380-843
Umar Vanlioglu, Mescidi Salam, Sultan Ciftligi, Habibler Koyu, Istanbul. 90-1-3854053, 90-1-5951773, 90-1-5054619 (faks: C. Korkut)
Uraz Murod, Uraz Md, Haji Noor, Masjid, Ashkabad.
Omar Mazinga, Masjid Nur, William St., P.O. Box 2046, Kampala. 256-41-246-63..
Murad, Madrassa Mir e Arab, Bukhara. 42170
Imam Mustafa Khul, Samarkand, 353268
Ziauddin, Idara Diniyat, Tashkent. 351307
Farooq A Rahman, Islamic Center, Calle-9, Urb La Paz, El Paraiso, Caracaz. 58-2-498322?
M. Zakaria, Mutawalli Mosque, 66 Tnilap Thanh, Saigon.
Masjid Annur, 12 Hang Luoc street, Hang Ma ward, Hoan Kian precinct, Hanoi.
Ustaz Muhsin, Madrasah Arabiah, 25A Lang Ha street, Hanoi.
Hamood Faki, Masjid As-Sawad, Al Habbah Annagal St, Al Harabi, Sana’a. 967-2-227-246
Jusufspabic Md., Jevremova 11, 11000 Belgrade. 38-11-642-043, 622-654
Greece Markazi Masjid Rassos, 9 Galaxia Strape (dekat Kosmos), 117/45 Athens.
Munir Mahmud, G. Papandreau 87, Goudi, Athens. 30-1-775-8155, 30-531-24863 (Hussein Mostafa)
A. M. Patel, 39 Mama Yemo, P.O. Box 155, Likasi. 243-12-28272
Ahmad Nomani, P.O. Box 510191, Chipata. 260-62-21161
Ahmad Karodia, Md Ravat, P.O. Box 30324, Lusaka. 260-1-212-023
Y. Hussain, Ridgeview Masjid, Boeing Road, Ridgeview. 263-4-292..